THE “THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS Written by Michael Johnson
God has given a spiritual map to His people that details the journey believers are to walk in. It begins at salvation and progresses into our last breath on earth then into our life in heaven. There are scriptures that verify our upward path including:
* Psalm 84:7- They go from strength to strength; every one of them appears before God in Zion.
* Romans 1:17- For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.
* Proverbs 4:18: (NLT) The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.
This book will help unlock an overlooked treasure hidden in the names, symbols, and gemstones that represent the tribes of Israel. The sons of Jacob and Joseph became these tribes. The map for our spiritual progression is revealed by the order of their birth.
This book contains truths that will help you understand the importance of being free of the pains of your past. You will also see why God wants to develop a deep relationship with all believers. The progressions God has for us include prayer and spiritual warfare which brings great reward. By following God’s plan you will experience a consistent, multiplying, and lasting life of abundance and fruitfulness. This is God’s desire for all of us. ORDER HERE

Go Ye ~ A 27-week intensive discipleship course by Jack Adams.
Too often, new believers come to Christ and don’t receive the mentoring they need to discover how to live the abundant life Christ offers. They can easily become disillusioned with the Christian life simply because they don’t connect with the power Christ offers. Christ taught us to not only reach the lost, but to teach the lost.

In his unpretentious, conversational writing style, Reverend Jack Adams answers the questions many people have when they first decide to become a Christian. Saturated with scripture, You Are Now Free to Walk with God helps new believers understand how to embrace their newfound faith and fully experience their new life in Christ.

God’s Loving Provision: A fresh look at why we should tithe by Jack Adams.
Perhaps you simply don’t believe in tithing, then this book is for you. It will definitely show you the heart of God. If you have been turned off by the prosperity doctrine and want nothing to do with tithing as a result, I urge you to pick this book up and read it as it really brings balance to the tithing message. I love it when God’s anointing brings clarity on a particular subject. That is exactly what God has done with this book.
The author’s originally intent was to write this book for pastors and teachers so that faith would arise in their hearts to teach about the tithe. However, everyone should read this book because faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is loud and clear on why we should tithe. If you really want God to be pleased with you, read this book and apply the principles. It will change your life. ORDER HERE

Two young pirates encounter danger as they sail a pirate ship into the mighty Atlantic Ocean and attempt to find a suitable location to bury their treasure. Will the impending storm shipwreck their important quest?

Jack and Beaux find themselves in danger in a world that looks nothing like their own. How did they end up here? And how will they ever get home? Join Jack and Beaux as they explore a new world, come to the aid of a new friend, and rediscover old wisdom.