TOLC’s Mother’s Day Out Program
Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
(512) 217-8030
Ages 1 – 5 years old ($270. per month & yearly $100.00 registration fee)
Our program runs during the school year (Mid-August-May). Please register online by clicking the link below. In order to be registered the $100.00 fee must be paid and the form must be submitted either online or mailed to TOLC 16108 Yellow Sage Pflugerville, Tx. 78660.
As of September 18, 2024 this is our enrollment status for Fall 2024
* 1-2-year-old class- This class is full and accepting children on the waiting list. Ratio 1:5
* Younger 2-year-old class- This class is full and accepting children on the waiting list. Ratio 1:6
* Older 2-year-old class- (Opening October 1st) This class has six spots available. Ratio is 1:6
* 3-4-year-old class- This class is has one spot open. Ratio 1:6
* 4-5-year-old class- This class has two spots open. Ratio 1:8
Our program is open during the school year which is Mid-August to May. We are closed during the summer. If you are interested in registering, please call to set up a tour. You can reach our Director at 512-217-8030.
Welcome! To register for a spot in our Mother’s Day Out program, please fill out the form below.
Please do not submit payment until our director has confirmed your spot. If we do not have a spot for your child, we will place you on our waiting list.
Our Vision and Purpose
Tree of Life Church’s Mother’s Day Out offers a loving, safe, and secure atmosphere for children, and a caring, supportive ministry to parents and families in our community. Our age-appropriate curriculum is designed to stimulate young minds and to encourage the children to love and delight in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
MDO Director Kristen Sistrunk
For questions or more information please contact Kristen at 512-217-8030 or through email at
Tree of Life Church is located at 16108 Yellow Sage Pflugerville, Tx. 78660.
Drop-In Care Offered Depending on Availability
Drop-In Care services are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a 24 hour notice of care needed. Once you have registered your child, we are available to care for your child(ren) on an as needed basis. The drop-in care rate is a daily rate of $35.00 based on the slot your child will hold for that day, not the number of hours attended. We do not charge hourly for our services, however you may drop off or pick up your child when you need.
Classes at TOLC’s MDO
Currently, we offer five classrooms. Our ratios are low and our teacher are wonderful! Each classroom is designed to encourage students to learn and socialize through play. Each week students are taught a letter, shape, color, and number. Our program teaches a new Bible story each week and focus on weekly theme. Some examples of weekly themes are Fall, my five senses, zoo animals, etc.
Resources Examples-
Follow us on Facebook and check out some of the funs things we do at MDO!-
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q. What are your hours?
A: We are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm daily.
Q: What are your ratios?
A: We believe that children thrive in smaller classes! Our goal is not see how many children we can enroll. This is why each class has one teacher and a small group of children. Our 1-2-year-old class allows five students. Our classes that range form ages 2-4 allow six children. Our preschool class allows eight students.
Q: Do you nap?
A: Our program offers a rest time each day. Our younger classes usually will fall asleep. Their nap time begins around 11:45 and they are up around 1:45 pm. This depends on how busy they are! Our older classes do rest for about 30 minutes. Each teacher works with what is working at home for parents and we try to implement this in our classrooms. We also encourage children to bring lovies and for parents to convey what techniques to help children feel comfortable that we can try. For example, sound machines, blackout curtains, etc.
Q: Is there a Christian curriculum used?
A: Yes! We consider ourselves a program of Tree of Life Church. Each day our students enjoy Bible stories and songs.
Q: What is the cost?
A. In order to enroll at MDO families must pay a yearly registration fee of $100.00. The cost per month is $270.00. The cost is prorated at $68.00 a week for families joining during a month. If a family is moving on a refund for weeks not used is issued.